He Could Had Been A Saint
Pencil on paper with digital editing
Judas Iscariot is scandalously known as a traitor rather than a disciple of Jesus - he sold Jesus to the Romans with thirty silver coins, the drastic turn away that led to Jesus's capture and His end as a mortal human in the mortal world. However, Judas was not the only person that had betrayed Jesus. Many disciples ran and hid when Jesus was captured, even Simon, whom his Teacher named 'Peter' which means 'the rock', betrayed Jesus by denying Him three times. In fact, most of the disciples were sinners at the beginning. But what makes Simon Peter a saint and Judas Iscariot a person that hell was made for him lies in the decisions of these two disciples made when facing their realization after betraying their Teacher. Both had experienced confusion, anger and scared; shalt they both had felt betrayed for what they had thought and believed about The Messiah. Significantly, they both experienced guilt.
Judas Iscariot could probably be a saint, just like Simon Peter, if he was braved enough to return to the truth. He could had known He was forgiven by Jesus if he returnt to Jesus. Judas was miserable not only because he chose to betray Jesus of Nazareth, his (mortal) teacher that stood for righteousness, but for he had chosen to exclude himself from forgiveness, from love and light, and from God who gave him forgiveness, and love, and light.
Judas Iscariot could had been a saint, if he had the bravery to return to God in guiltiness and the crave of forgiveness and the will to be soaked in the truth once again. Judas Iscariot, he could had been a saint and live an eternal life in God's love, but sadly, he chose not to.